University of waterloo Association of Caribbean Students'
Caribbean Guide to UWaterloo
There are plenty of great places to go and things to do, but how do you get there? On this page we'll give you some info about common methods of transport in Waterloo so you can get where you want to go!
Grand River Transit
Grand River Transit or GRT is the main public transportation system in the Tri-City Area (Waterloo, Kitchener and Cambridge).
Your WatCard gets you free bus rides to and from any GRT bus stop! This is covered by a portion of your term fees you paid on quest. When getting on the bus, just show the driver your WatCard and you're good to go!
You can text 4-digit bus stop numbers to 57555 to get the next 3 upcoming bus times. Some useful ones are: DC 3699/1123; UW @ Seagram: 2676/1090.
You can also download the schedules for any bus route in PDF format from their their website and download their easyGo app for Android or for iPhone/iPad which gives you realtime bus ETAs and bus location updates!
If you're trying to get home late at night after a partying or a late night study session, GRT has a Late Night Loop service that operates on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights from 12:30am to 2am. It's great for getting you back to the university and some of the nearby residential areas.
Note: Some buses have different kinds of doors! Some require you to wave your hand infront of the door, other requre you to touch the door, others require you to push the bars on the door and others are automatic! Be sure to read the instructions to avoid embarrassment ;) !
On/Off Campus Shuttles
UW has free shuttles that carry students to various locations on and off campus. There is an on-campus shuttle and an off-campus shuttle.
On-Campus Shuttle
There are two on-campus shuttles. One services the residences to the north of campus (Columbia Lake Village and the affiliated colleges). The other services the south of campus (UWP). You can catch the campus shuttle at any bus stop along Ring Road and at any of the stops at the university residences. The shuttle operates continuously from 7pm til 2am.
Off-Campus Shuttle
The off-campus shuttle will take students anywhere off campus within its boundaries. The shuttle's boundaries are: Columbia Street & Fischer-Hallman, to Parkside Drive & Weber Street,to Weber Street & Erb Street,to Erb Street and Fischer-Hallman.
You catch the off-campus shuttle from SLC by just signing in with your WatCard at the Turnkey Desk. It leaves every hour on the quarter hour from 7:15pm to 1:15am.
You can get more details about the shuttles, including the exact routes of the on-campus shuttle here!
Unfortunately, apart from the Late Night Loop, most GRT bus services stop around midnight. Taxis are a common way to get around in Waterloo, particularly late at night when all the buses have stopped.
Here are 2 of the main taxi companies in Waterloo and the number you can call to arrage a ride:
Waterloo Taxi (519 - 888 - 7777)
United Taxi (519 - 888 - 9999)
The Federation of Students (FEDS) provides an a bus service to various destinations outside of Waterloo called the FEDS Bus. The FEDS Bus is a cheaper alternative to other methods of transport to ther cities with one-way tickets costing $11 and round-trips costing $20. The FEDS Bus travels to the following locations:
Toronto (several stops)
Hamilton (Jackson Square)
Burlington (Aldershot GO Station)
London (Masonville Mall Terminal)
Tickets are available from the Turnkey Desk and online. For more details check out this web page!
Pick up a PRESTO card at the turnkey desk (SLC Great Hall) and apply a student discount you can obtain through Quest for another convenient and cost-effective way to get around Ontario.
The #25 GO Bus leaves the Davis Centre and travels to Square One Terminal in Mississauga several times everyday. At Square One you can find buses to various other destinations including Pearson International Airport and Downtown Toronto.
You can download the GO Mobile app for Android and iPhone/iPad for easy acces to bus schedules and convenient trip planning!
The Greyhound leaves UWaterloo campus from B.C. Matthews Hall (BMH) daily for the Toronto bus terminal (Yorkdale/Toronto express routes available in Fall and Winter). You can get tickets from the Tunkey Desk in SLC!
For fares and schedules check out Greyhound's website the University of Waterloo location is listed as "Waterloo University".
Car Pooling
UW Carpool is a facebook group within the University of Waterloo super group where drivers and passengers can find people to carpool with to various places across Ontario. Join to find convenient rides to out of town locations (including Pearson International Airport and Downtown Toronto)!
Useful Smartphone Apps
When you're going on an adventure your smartphone is your best friend! Here are some useful apps for finding yor way around:
Google Maps
Of course an obvious choice for travelling, Google Maps is one of the most robust map applications available. Great for finding places you need to go and generating comprehensive travel plans to arrive at you location on time! Here are the links for Android and iPhone/iPad.
Transit App
The Transit App is a popular app capable of finding useful upcoming public transportation stops and times all across North America based on your location. Great for on the fly bus/train/subway-hopping! Here are the links for Android and iPhone/iPad.